Burke Creek Ranch Grass Fed Beef

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Braised Beef Shank

Burke Creek Ranch Grass Fed Beef Shank

Think outside the soup! Slow cooked beef shank is a nutritious, economical yet gourmet dinner option. A cross cut shank contains precious collagen loaded bone marrow, and when slow cooked this melts into the meal adding to the rich flavour and provides all those sought after amino acids and health benefits.

If I could host a dinner party this year, I would prepare this ahead for one of the courses! Tastes like a meal in a gourmet restaurant. Once you have the flavourful tender braised beef on hand the sky is the limit for dish ideas. Served over polenta or mashed potatoes, or added to pasta or barley. And fabulous in risotto.


2 meaty grassfed marrow shank bones

Salt and pepper to taste

Bottle of red wine (don’t use the cheapest wine you can find, but don’t blow the bank either)

1 chopped onion

1 cup chopped celery

2 cups sliced mushrooms

2-3 garlic cloves

3 springs fresh rosemary or handful of thyme

4 cups of bone broth (See our recipe) or low sodium stock

2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

More fresh cracked pepper


  • Pat dry the shanks. Season with salt and pepper. Heat cast iron to medium high on stove top. Add a dash of olive or grapeseed oil. Now sear each side, 3-4 minutes until crispy browned.

  • Remove from skillet to slow cooker, leave the bit of remaining fat in skillet. Now sauté the onion and celery for several minutes, until carmelized brown. Add garlic last minute, continue stirring. Now add bottle of wine, broth, fresh herbs of choice and more pepper. Let reduce by half.

  • Now fry the mushrooms in another pan with a little bit of oil, then add to slow cooker.

  • Place meat in the slow cooker on low setting, then pour in the reduced sauce from the skillet. Add balsamic vinegar, and put on slow cook for 8 hours.

  • This is even better the next day, and cooling it allows for easier excess fat removal. After cooled the fat will come to the top, remove and discard. Now beef should fall from bones and easily shred with forks. Remove bones.

To Serve:

Our first meal of this I served over family favourite garden mashed potatoes. 4 days later with leftovers I prepared in impromptu beef stroganoff, stirred through egg noodles with 1/2 cup sour cream and baked with parmesan and aged cheddar on top. Ultimate cozy winter comfort food.