Burke Creek Ranch Receives Alberta Ranch Century Award

The Burton family was pleased to have been awarded Alberta’s Century Farm and Ranch Award. This award is granted to recognize pioneer families who continue to own and actively operate the same land for 100 years or more. In November 2020 MLA Roger Reid presented the Burton family of Burke Creek Ranch with the Century award, as well as the 125 year milestone recognition.

For our family it was a special moment to reflect on the hard work, foresight and perseverance of our ancestors and family members no longer with us. From the sod roof cabin and cut rail corrals Frederick Burton Sr. built in 1890, to the additions he and his wife Minnie Furman Burton contributed together over their lifetime. From the many contributions Dr. Gordon Burton provided to the beef industry in Alberta, to the growth and improvements he and his wife Jean Burton established during their 40 + years on the ranch. From the continued perseverance of Rick and Susan Burton and their shared commitment to industry, community and operations. To today, where Adam, Kim and Rick continue to work together to hold onto both their rich history and their grandparents dream of continued generations of Burtons working on these grasslands.

This day was also a gift for the current generations to recognize that although many days have been challenging, and just as many far from glamourous, so many more have been true blessings. To ride across these hills with our children, to smell the fresh crisp air, to hear nothing but the wind and wildlife, and to work with the animals. We are deeply grateful we have laboured together to both maintain, and build on the foundation our family has established. We recognize there is truly no better place to live, work and play together with family than in these foothills we are standing in today.

Page copied from “Henderson’s Northwest Brand Book”, Published by the Henderson Directory Co., 1889

Page copied from “Henderson’s Northwest Brand Book”, Published by the Henderson Directory Co., 1889


Susan’s Christmas Tourtiere


Baked Stuffed Spaghetti Squash